Thursday, October 15, 2009

bg/ish: Live From Jury Duty...

This introduction video is hilarious...

The interviews with "Former Juror"(s) are particularly riveting. One woman "brought a book, so it was OK".

We're all in this together...

...unless you're heavily biased... then you're gone son!

It's explaining how a Jury Trial works... N! I've seen enough Law & Order to know this works!

"The decision of the jury has been made. Justice has been served."

Or has it?

1 comment:

nv@ag said...

Yeah really. Does our government even believe in justice or fairness? Does it know the difference between right and wrong anymore? Outside the context of money, I mean.

Like I said earlier, America needs an overhaul. Let's start with bugging people with jury summons.